HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 5 no. 7 (2022)

Teaching Strategies and Literature Learning in the Public Secondary Schools along the K to 12 Curriculum

Nover Keithley Mente

Discipline: Education



Since the implementation of the K to 12 Basic Education Program in the Philippines in S.Y. 2012 – 2013, there have been great changes made to meet the goals and objectives of the program as set forth by the Department of Education under the Aquino Administration. This is especially emphasized in the total overhaul of the Basic Education Curriculum into K to 12 Curriculum to meet the demands for quality education leading to skills development and human empowerment. This study aimed to determine the relationship between Teaching Strategies and Literature Learning in Public Secondary Schools along the K to 12 Curriculum. Furthermore, the following were the major findings of the study: The most popular teaching strategies employed by teachers in teaching literature were Information – Based Approach, Personal – Response Approach, and Moral – Philosophical Approach with the same mean of 3.52. This was followed by the Paraphrastic Approach and Language–Based Approach consecutively while the Stylistics Approach remained the lowest. Literature teachers did not employ varied strategies in literature teaching in the type of section whether regular or special. The teacher variables such as sex, age, the extent of graduate study, and years of experience were not significant in the strategy employed by teachers in the teaching of literature in high school English 8. Moreover, the implications and recommendations of the study were discussed in the study.


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