HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 9 (2023)

Lesson Exemplars on Viewing Comprehension for Grade 8 English

Herson Alamo

Discipline: Education



The implementation of the K to 12 education plan in the Philippine Basic Education Curriculum is the key to the nation’s development. The goal of this curriculum is to give students sufficient time to master skills and concepts in a 12-year basic education so that they are ready for tertiary education when the time comes. Thus, the viewing competence of the Grade 8 students of Legazpi City Science High School was the basic concern of this study. Based on the salient findings, the following conclusions are made: The Grade 8 students of Legazpi City Science High School generally had above average competency level along viewing as macro skill. They have been moving towards mastery as reflected in the mastery level according to the scale set by the Department of Education (DepED). The lesson exemplars focusing on the viewing comprehension served as good materials in enhancing viewing competency level of students. Viewing may be integrated in any of the parts within the lesson. The implementation of the English lessons on viewing comprehension was assessed Excellent. The different learning experiences were implemented properly and accurately. Moreover, the lessons in English enriched with different viewing materials were effective in enhancing the viewing competency of Grade 8 students similar to the lessons using conventional strategies. Similarly, the jurors’ observations affirm students’ performance in the different learning tasks and teacher’s competence in carrying out the lesson.


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