HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 9 (2023)

English Oral Discourse Competence of College Students: A Focus on Factors Assessment

Angelou Ramos | Gregerlin Lambenicio

Discipline: Education



Although the Philippine government has made significant efforts to raise the level of English proficiency and oral discourse proficiency in the nation, most students still struggle with communication because they find it difficult to express themselves in oral presentations, lack a strong command of the English language, make grammatical mistakes, mispronounce words, and are uncomfortable speaking in front of groups of people. This study aimed to assess the level of English oral discourse competence of college students, particularly the Education English major students of Pangasinan State University (PSU), Lingayen campus, along with affective, social, teacher, and linguistic factors, respectively. The descriptive survey method was utilized to interpret the English oral discourse competence level of Education English major students and related factors. In this study, 100 out of 333 Education English major students were chosen through stratified random sampling. The respondents' oral discourse competence in English was evaluated using a survey questionnaire that had been adopted. The data were subjected tostatistical treatment through average weighted mean, interpreted in terms of descriptive equivalent and descriptive interpretation. Based on the salient findings, most respondents have average competence in English oral discourse along affective, social, teacher, and linguistic-related factors. The respondents' oral discourse competence in English must be-improved because it will help them in their academic work and future careers. Thus, the recommendation for learning intervention is to enhance their English oral discourse competence.


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