HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 6 (2023)

Effectiveness of Developed Learning Material and Students’ English Performance: Bases for Enhancement

Joanne Alada

Discipline: Education



This study was conducted evaluate the effectiveness of developed learning material in Language, Culture and Society as a tool for the English performance of the seventeen (17) English major students of Iloilo State College of Fisheries-Dingle Iloilo. The study used the survey-questionnaire on ‘Evaluation of Developed Learning Material’ of Anzures & Locara for the effectiveness of the developed learning material, a 50 - item researcher made questionnaire for the pretest and post-test and conducted a focus-group discussion to determine the learning experiences of the students. Results revealed that the respondents’ English performance in the pretest is “Good” and their posttest result is “Very Good”. The developed learning material is an effective tool in the learning process of the respondents and in improving their English performance. The respondents perceived the developed learning material as “Good”. In terms of Format, Language Used, and Activities and Assessment, the developed learning material is ‘Good’. In terms of Content, the learning material is “Very Good”. The respondents had a happy yet challenging learning experiences. The developed learning material was effective and minor revisions specifically on the assignments and activities were done to ensure efficiency in accomplishing tasks.


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