HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 5 (2022)

Level of Support of Content-Focused Instruction in Enhancing Learners’ Oral English Proficiency

Marivic Jornales | Gregerlin Lambenicio

Discipline: Education



This study explored the relationship between content-focused instruction and its influence on developing oral English proficiency among hospitality and tourism students. It specifically aimed to determine the level of support provided by content teachers to enhance the student’s speaking skills and to identify strategies they used to integrate this learning goal in teaching content. Data gathering and analysis for the study used quantitative and qualitative methodologies. A survey of teachers (21 respondents) and students (83 respondents), interviews (10 participants), and observation of video recordings of online classes were carried out to collect data. Results reveal that both teachers and students perceived that the level of support of content- focused instruction in enhancing students’ oral English proficiency was moderately low. Although it may seem intuitive that this is the case since content teachers are not English language teachers, this study indicates that content teachers also participate in the oral English proficiency development of students since they also use strategies such as oral presentation, group discussion, role play and demonstration that promote speaking skills development in the major courses. This study recommends providing content teachers adequate training in the teaching and assessing of speaking to highly contribute to the speaking skills development of students in the tertiary levels in the Philippines.


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