HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 5 (2022)

Self–Efficacy and Mental Toughness of Philippine National Athletes: A Basis for Enhanced Motivational Program

Kurt Christian Arcangel

Discipline: Education



Self–efficacy and mental toughness are now establishing grounds in the field of sports psychology as they are essential in helping athletes in facing different adversity and challenges in their life. A descriptive–correlational method was used in this study to determine the level and relationship of self–efficacy and mental toughness of the athletes. To identify the level of self–efficacy of Philippine national athletes the researcher used the General Self–efficacy (GSE) Scale, and to measure their mental toughness and its facets, the researcher used the Mental Toughness Questionnaire (MTQ). The findings of the study showed that the majority of the athletes have a very high level of self–efficacy. A high level of mental toughness along with its components—rebound ability, ability to handle pressure, concentration, confidence, and motivation—was found among the athletes. The findings also showed that there is a relationship between self–efficacy and mental toughness. Based on the results, an enhancement to the motivational program of the respondents was formulated to better the importance of developing self-efficacy and mental toughness among the athletes as well as to monitor progress and changes.


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