HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 7 (2022)

Mismatch of Teachers’ Qualifications and Subjects Taught: Effects on Students’ National Achievement Test

Baby Guiaselon | Sarah Omar | Haron Mohamad | Datu Raffy Ralph Sinsuat | Consuelo Samson | Norulhadji Maidu | Norhana Maguid

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to determine the mismatch between teachers’ professional qualifications and the subject taught and its effects to students’ national achievement test. Five specific questions were answered as follows: the profile of the teachers teaching English was analyzed in terms of educational attainment, professional growth, and average class size; the mismatch status of English teachers in the selected secondary Schools in Maguindanao-I Division was analyzed in terms of educational qualification, post graduate education, seminars attended related to English language, and average class size; the students’ performance in the National Achievement Test was analyzed using the test results; finally the mismatch between teachers’ profile in teaching English and in students’ performance in NAT as well as the relationship between mismatch status of English teachers and the students’ performance in NAT were analyzed using chi-square analysis. Ex-post-facto research design was used with the teachers’ profile and students’ scores in the NAT as primary data. Complete enumeration of the target respondents was used. Moreover, the chi-square analysis was used to determine the relationship of the teachers’ profile with the students’ scores in NAT.


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