HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 7 (2022)

The Relationship Between COVID-19 Pandemic-Related Fear and Anxiety to Work-Related Quality of Life of Corporate Leaders in Metro Manila

Ma. Angelica Larong | Gemmalyn Obiasca | Ma. Angelica Lisette Olegario | John Dominic Perez | Anne Margaux Quilalang | Winchell Quilongquilong | Adrian Amistad | Ronn Mikhael Avila

Discipline: Education



One of the most frightening aspects of COVID-19 was the fact that it exacerbated existing social and economic inequalities for employees who, in addition to being in danger of severe COVID-19 cases, were also especially vulnerable to face adverse impacts in the workplace. For that reason, this research is conducted to examine the relationship between COVID-19 Pandemic-Related Fear and Anxiety to Work-Related Quality of Life (WRQoL) of Corporate Leaders in Metro Manila. The result of this study will give opportunities for organizations to address these dilemmas and be able to sustain and show concern for mid-level employees’ WRQoL. The study was able to collate 194 responses from corporate leaders within Metro-Manila. The study was also correlational quantitative in nature and was able to employ a convenient sampling technique. The four variables in this study were measured within the context of Demographic Profile, Fear of COVID-19, Anxiety towards COVID-19, and WRQoL. The researchers’ course of action in the methodology was by collating responses using a questionnaire answered through Google Forms. The questionnaire was modeled to three standardized tests namely Fear of COVID-19, Coronavirus Anxiety Scale, and Work-Related Quality of Life Scale. Subsequently, the researchers treated data with Pearson Correlation Coefficient. In conclusion, this study indicates that the Demographic Profile of the respondents does not have a significant relationship with the Fear of COVID-19, the Anxiety towards COVID-19, nor WRQoL. On the other hand, the WRQoL of Corporate Leaders has a positive correlation with the Fear of COVID-19 and the Anxiety towards COVID-19.


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