HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 2 (2023)

The Influence of the Aspects of the Personality to the Academic Procrastination of the Selected Colleges of Tagum

Rae Ann Feguracion | Jibriel Mapuro | Miles Grace Bautista | Edlyn Joy Espiritu

Discipline: Education



The study dealt with the influence of aspects of personality on academic procrastination of students of the selected colleges in Tagum City. The goals of the study include assessing the level of aspects of personality in terms of cognitive functions, affective states, and behavioral aspects; assessing the level of academic procrastination in terms of studying for exams, doing requirements and assignments, attending school activities, and interest in changing procrastination; assessing if there is a significant relationship between aspects of personality and academic procrastination; determine if there is any specific domain in aspects of personality that significantly influences academic procrastination. The study used a quantitative correlational study with 373 students from the selected colleges. Statistical treatment includes Mean, Pearson r correlation, and Linear Regression Analysis. Results showed that the level of aspects of personality and the level of academic procrastination were high. Also, the Pearson r correlation results show a significant relationship between aspects of personality and academic procrastination with an r-value of 0.800. Lastly, the linear regression analysis results show that personality aspects significantly influence academic procrastination with a p-value of <0.001. Also, all domains in the aspect of personality significantly influenced academic procrastination.


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