HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 11 no. 9 (2023)

Exploring the Incidence and Impacts of Math Anxiety on the Academic Achievement of College Students in Mathematics

Princesita Timonera | Anna Fe Montebon | Julieto Payla

Discipline: Education



This study investigates math anxiety among college students, examining factors like age, gender, education level, and coping strategies. The data from 307 participants reveals the majority are 19- year-olds, females, and Freshmen. A significant percentage of participants have sought help for math anxiety through tutoring. Most of the participants spend 1-3 hours studying math per week, and confidence levels vary among participants. The findings highlight the impact of math anxiety on academic and psychological aspects. Participants commonly experience challenges such as avoiding math courses and experiencing mental blocks during tests. When working with numbers, nervousness indicates math anxiety's emotional and cognitive effects. While stress related to math homework is relatively lower, negative experiences still influence attitudes toward math. Gender stereotypes and teacher interactions contribute to math anxiety. Participants recognize the negative effects of math anxiety on grades, concentration, assignments, and career choices. Psychological symptoms, including stress and depression, are associated with math anxiety. Regression analysis reveals the positive effects of factors contributing to math anxiety and coping strategies on the Math Anxiety Rating Scale (MARS) score. Effective coping strategies can help alleviate math anxiety. The study emphasizes the importance of interventions in educational settings to address and manage math anxiety.


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