HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 11 no. 9 (2023)

Mediating Effects of Teacher’s Assessment Competencies on the Relationship Between the Use of the Zipgrade Application and Student’s Achievement

Mikko John Rodillas | Edna Briones | Edilberto Andal

Discipline: Education



The study was conducted to determine the interactions between and among teacher’s assessment competence, zipgrade application and junior high school student’s achievement in ICT.The researcher selected the one hundred twenty five (125) Grade 9 students from different sections in the Junior High School namely: Grade 9 Wisdom, Grade 9 Integrity and Grade 9 Perseverance of Luis Palad Integrated High School. The researcher used random sampling technique to fill up the required number of samples.The researcher used descriptive research design and utilized a survey questionnaire as the main tool in gathering the pertinent data needed to solve the problems of the study.The significant findings of this study revealed that the features of zipgrade application were perceived by the respondents very efficient, highly functional, very accurate, very easy to use and used by them to a very great extent.On the account of teachers’ assessment competencies the respondents rate themselves very competent in all measures of assessment competencies included in the study. On the other hand student’s achievement both in unit and summative test fell under advanced level.On the relationship between zipgrade application and teacher’s assessment competencies, findings show significant relationship. Moreover, there is no significant relationship between teacher’s assessment competencies and student’s achievement, while zipgrade application features do not significantly relates with students’ achievement except ease of use which relates significantly with the students’ summative test. Since, the findings revealed significant and non – significant relationship among variables, it is concluded that for those variables with significant relationship, the null hypothesis stated in the study is not sustained while those without significant relationship the hypothesis posited is sustained.


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