HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 12 no. 4 (2023)

Chasing the Dreams: A Phenomenological Study of ALS Graduates Pursuing Teacher Education Course

Eutiquiano Umbao | Maedel Joy Ventura-Escote

Discipline: Education



Finishing a bachelor's degree is essential for a stable job in society. However, studying in college is a constant struggle among ALS graduates. Study shows that ALS graduates experience discrimination, lack of knowledge, self-confidence, exposure in technology, behind on class topics, lack of teacher’s motivation for them to pursue college and financial challenges in college. This qualitative phenomenological research study explored the ALS graduates pursuing teacher education courses at Monkayo College of Arts, Sciences, and Technology (MonCAST). The purpose of this study is to explore ALS graduates’ experiences, challenges, coping mechanisms and insights in pursuing a teacher education course. Findings showed that there was no alignment of curriculum from ALS to Higher education which they only experienced for the first time in college. The study also revealed that there is a lack of integration of technology in the ALS program and experienced being despised by their classmates if identified from ALS products. The study ends with recommendations to revisit the ALS curriculum to align it with the formal schools, to craft a program that promotes equality in college institutions to avoid discrimination and help these learners to catch up in the academic demands of higher education.


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