HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 12 no. 5 (2023)

Teaching in the Marists Schools

Normie Al Bognoson | Wilter C Friales

Discipline: Education



This study on the teaching in the Marist schools is a descriptive qualitative design aimed to explore the lived-experiences of teachers in the Marist schools in the context of the Marist Pedagogy. It highlights the significant experiences of seven (7) educators who have been teaching in the Marist institute for years. The primary data collection method was in-depth interviews. The data were coded and analyzed according to the research questions. The discussion and analysis of the data are presented in four parts. The first part describes the understanding of the Marist Pedagogy through the meaning manifestation and beliefs of the teachers about Marist way of teaching. The next part explained the teaching practices in the Marist Schools in terms of instructional delivery and classroom management. The attitudes of teachers towards their students, colleagues, and teaching in general had been discussed in the third part. Lastly, the challenges that the teachers had experienced in their teaching was highlighted in another part. The data from the in-depth interview which was analyzed though the process of thematic coding and categorization of the transcript revealed three (3) emergent themes that describe the Marist way of teaching based on the perspective of the Marist educators. These emergent themes are affirmations of the distinct practices of the teachers in the Marist schools. The study revealed that while teaching in the Marist schools is towards transcendental learning, it is also a pastoral responsibility and a shared mission.


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