HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 13 no. 6 (2023)

The Perceived Competency-Based Mastery Level of Saint Mary’s University Senior High School Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Students in General Biology

Rhodora Aquino | Marites Vilma Sanchez | Joyce Anne Nillo | Luzviminda Palecpec | Albert Cabullos

Discipline: Education



The purpose of the study is to determine the mastery of the senior high school students in General Biology. This study applied the mixed-method design, particularly a combination of quantitative and qualitative research designs. The study was conducted at Saint Mary’s University Senior High School, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya on the first and second semester of school year 2021-2022. The respondents of the study were Grade 12 STEM senior high school students who were enrolled in General Biology 2 and took General Biology 1. Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were derived: The respondents of the study were mostly female, majority studied in a private junior high school with a special science curriculum, and as a whole, the average grades of the students in General Biology were from very satisfactory to outstanding. The students have an average level of perceived mastery on the learning competencies of General Biology. This means that the students’ have a satisfactory perceived mastery level of General Biology competencies as a whole. Specifically, the contents with the highest perceived mastery level are Evolution and Origin of Biodiversity and Genetics while the lowest is on Transport Mechanisms. In terms of sex, there is no significant difference on the perceived mastery level between male and female. This implies that both male and female students have the same mastery level of the General Biology competencies. There is a significant difference among the type of Junior High Schools based on their perceived mastery level of General Biology competencies. Based from the mean results, it can be reported that students who studied in science high school have a higher mastery level on the competencies of General Biology than those students who studied in a public school with special science curriculum in Junior High School. There is a significant positive relationship between the students’ perceived mastery on the learning competencies of General Biology and their actual general average grade in the subject. This implies that high students’ perceived mastery level on the competencies of General Biology could also mean that his or her actual general average grade in the subject is high and vice versa.


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