HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 13 no. 6 (2023)

Instructional Supervision of Select School Heads in the School Division of Quezon Province: Basis for Policy Recommendations

Leo Etorne

Discipline: Education



The study sought to determine the current practices, the level of instructional supervision; and the challenges experienced by selected school heads in the Schools Division of Quezon for the School Year 2022-2023 with an endview of crafting policy recommendations. Using mixed method of research, the study was conducted in the Schools Division of Quezon among the 264 purposively selected respondents who are school heads come from the four congressional districts of the province. On the qualitative part, however, only 12 school heads were subjected to the focus group discussion. Both inquiries on current practices and challenges encountered in instructional supervision were analyzed using thematic and coding analysis, while the assessment of instructional supervision level surveyed through checklist questionnaire were statistically interpreted and presented through frequency count, weighted mean, and standard deviation. It was revealed that the school heads currently practice democratic supervision, collegiality and collaboration, clinical supervision, and curriculum supervision. The school heads' instructional supervision across the parameters of delivery mode teacher's monitoring activity, parents' involvement, and assessment are all practiced to a major extent implying that though implemented by the school heads to a high extent, Notable challenges exist in instructional supervision particularly on the difficulty in module distribution and retrieval, adjustment to curriculum implementation, school operation, not to mention the unresponsive, unwilling, and complacent teachers, and insufficient knowledge on giving instructional supervision. Added to the predicaments are unresponsive parents, difficulty of parents to homeschool kids, difficulty of school heads in establishing rapport with school community, inconvenience in checking all assessment activities of teachers, and the question on the teachers' authenticity and appropriateness in instruction. The output of this investigation is a set of policy recommendations for instructional supervision improvement which is recommended to be adopted, modified, enhanced or contextualized by other schools and divisions.


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