HomeThe Trinitian Student Researchervol. 3 no. 1 (2010)

Employment Readiness of Fourth-Year Hotel and Restaurant Management Students of Trinity University of Asia

Alfonso C. Saspa | Dennis E. Borja | Julius G. Gabasa | Syrel Gonzales

Discipline: Human Resources Management



This study made use of a survey instrument which employed items from the notices of different companies looking for hospitality practioners. The questionnaire highlighted the different skills needed by the industry. The results showed that the fourth-year Hotel and Restaurant Management (HRM) students were only ‘good’ in the following areas: knowledge, skills and attitudes. The study implies that the students were not adequately prepared to meet the needs, demands, and challenges of the hospitality industry.

All Comments (1)

Mylene Joy Alma
1 month ago

hoy wala naman full text inuuto nyo ako