HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 9 (2023)

A Contextual Inquiry on Global Leaders’ Leadership Practices

Cherry Rose Alba | Joy Celoso | Ilen Dalanon | Neil Franco | Christian Labad | Dennis Ramiso | Renee A. Lamela

Discipline: Education



The success of a school does not just depend on the school leader himself. Its success is a collaborative effort of teaching and non-teaching staff, students, the community, and other stakeholders who have played essential roles in the realization of the school’s mission, vision, goals, and objectives. Nonetheless, the school’s success is rooted in the excellent leadership skills that the school manager or principal has consistently portrayed and remarkably created within the school community. Furthermore, the researchers made use of a qualitative approach to obtain information on the principles, theories, and practices in the perspective of global educational leadership. The data were gathered through a virtual interview with a global educational leader with an impressive academic and administrative profile. The researchers served as interviewers at the same time, documenters of the responses given on the vision/philosophy of the global school with the techniques employed to attain the vision, especially during this time of pandemic; the experiences of a global leader such as the qualifications and training which prepared him to become a productive and effective leader; the challenges encountered and how they were addressed; the changes made in the school to achieve the desired goals; the practiced leadership style and the personal and professional qualities he considered are the most significant for a leader; and the strengths and weaknesses of a leader. The recorded data were analyzed through a narrative analysis and interpreted.


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