HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 9 (2023)

Lived Experiences of Seasoned Teachers in the Implementation of Distance Learning in the New Normal: a Phenomenological Study

Glenda Repecio | Sherry Tupan

Discipline: Education



This phenomenological research explored the lived experiences of seasoned teachers within the District of Ilog I in the implementation of distance learning in the new normal. Results identified three core themes (a) teachers preparation to distance learning modality which was based on the following subthemes: gathering resources and establishing practices; profiling learners; capacity building for continuous learning and development; (b) challenges encountered during preparation stage with the subthemes; complexity of assessment; difficulty in instructional delivery; digital device; (c) coping mechanism to address challenges with the subtheme; positive well-being; time management; openness to change; peer mentoring, and collaboration. Findings revealed as training migrates to a new normal, teachers make necessary arrangements to equip themselves with distance gaining knowledge of. Though they face challenges which may also bog down their work, they nevertheless control to deal with the brand new regular maintain their tasks. The better places of work and faculty government ought to work with teachers on the implementation of distance learning to address their needs in resources and training to effectively facilitate the delivery of quality education for students.


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