HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 9 (2023)

The Misconceived Fortitude of Learners at Risk of Dropping-Out: a Phenomenological Study

Jessie Bontuyan | Tempora Balaba | Jeraline Diamada | Aiza Bacalso | Kevin Bulao

Discipline: Education



This study delved into the key informants' demographic profiles, particularly the combined family monthly income and household set-up and their lived experience as learners at risk of dropping out. Extracts were collected through interview guides and were analyzed using Colaizzi's descriptive phenomenology. Based on the data, 75% of the key informants belong to a poor-income family cluster with ?12, 082.00 monthly income, while the remaining 25% belong to the low-income class with a salary between ?12, 082.00 and ?24, 161.00 a month. Moreover, 37.5% are from broken families, and 62.5% live with biological parents. Extracts revealed that the following factors are the compelling reasons learners are at risk of dropping out. Firstly, loss of interest in academics because of poor parenting style, the sudden death of loved ones, and family conflicts. Secondly, time management between school and household responsibilities since few play a massive responsibility at home. Thirdly, they are incapable of performing academic tasks due to insufficient comprehension. Lastly, the financial incapability of the family to support students' educational needs. Therefore, learners at risk of dropping out performed unsatisfactorily because of their personal and academic baggage. With this, concerned individuals should be lenient and sensitive in dealing with these learners.


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