HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 14 no. 8 (2023)

E-learning Materials: Its Usage and Effects in Learning Mathematics

Maria Crecilda Andallon | Ardin Joy Barcelona |  Marynel Gagani | Zussette Candelario Aplaon | Jerome Hernandez

Discipline: Education



During the pandemic, students faced greater challenges in learning mathematics. Due to the outbreak of the pandemic, many changes were made to the learning environment to adapt to changing conditions brought about by the new learning methods. These include the addition of new learning tools and techniques, as well as the training of teachers and students on how to use them. Since class interaction is limited, e-learning materials were used by the students to understand mathematical concepts. This study aims to determine the usage and effects of e-learning materials in learning mathematics among Bachelor of Secondary Education majoring in Mathematics during the COVID19 pandemic. This study utilized descriptive-correlational research. Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s r, and coefficient of determination. The respondents were randomly selected third year students. The e-learning materials were classified as printed, audio-visual, and specialized applications while mathematics performance is measured in terms of their final grades in Abstract Algebra, Calculus 3 and Problem Solving, Mathematical Investigation, and Modelling. The result of the study shows that printed and audio-visual e- learning materials affect the respondents’ mathematical performance while specialized applications only bear significance with Calculus 3. The study shows the importance of being resourceful and fostering individual learning among students.


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