HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 14 no. 8 (2023)

Learn with Vince Module and Students’ Reading Comprehension in the Off-School Platform

Vincent Bialen | Eva Polo | Jenevieve Lumbu an

Discipline: Education



This study was geared towards the development and validation of the Learn with Vince Module to improve the reading comprehension skills particularly in understanding vocabulary in context, getting main idea, noting details, making inference, predicting outcome, and drawing conclusion of the Grade 11 Technical Vocational Livelihood students. The researcher used the descriptive evaluative and true experimental specifically the pre-test and post test research design to reveal the effectiveness of the Learn With Vince Module in terms of its content, relevance, acceptability, and instructional quality and to give distinct comparison between the students’ reading comprehension in experimental and control group. Findings revealed that the level of evaluation of the Learn With Vince Module was rated excellent. It was shown that the reading comprehension skills of the experimental group who used the module obtained a higher mean score compared to the control group who used the Self-learning module and textbooks. It shows that utilizing the module improved the students’ reading comprehension and significantly contributed to the higher post test results of the experimental group.


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