HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 2 (2024)

Language Acquisition in Diverse Linguistic, Social, and Cognitive Contexts: A Paper Review and Synthesis of Multifaceted Theories

Jenrev A. Macapagal

Discipline: Linguistics



The paper titled "Language Acquisition in Diverse Linguistic, Social and Cognitive Circumstances," authored by Maria Garraffa, Maria Teresa Guasti, Theodoros Marinis, and Gary Morgan, published on October 24, 2018, the authors explore the process of language acquisition within various linguistic, social, and cognitive contexts. The work introduces a broader discussion on language acquisition research, shedding light on how individuals learn and use language and emphasizing its interaction with cognitive trade-offs, operant conditioning, and universal grammar theory. The paper review illuminates the interplay between environmental, cognitive, and linguistic factors in shaping language development in children across diverse linguistic settings.


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