HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 2 (2024)

Attitudes and Considerations of Voters in the Philippine National Elections

Jerimy B. Javines

Discipline: Politics



A survey was administered in a province in the Philippines to determine the political knowledge, attitudes, considerations, and problems encountered by the registered voters in the area during elections. Results have shown that all voter respondents, in general, have a collective understanding and engage in a consensus on the political and electoral structures of the elections. Most of the voters have expressed their non-disturbance about voting scenarios (problems encountered) and individual views and opinions (voters’ attitudes) they have all encountered but did put an overall yet partially significant emphasis on their demographic profiles. Furthermore, the extent of problems encountered by the voters made a justifiable analysis of voting behavior which provided a mirror for voters on how they perceived such experiences during election day. On the contrary, voting attitudes have presented the parameter of the values that voters had used and put into account. Regardless of their voting experiences, still they viewed the situation as normal and confirmed the real-life backgrounds and existing moral foundations of individuals which were considered prerequisites of being rational voters. Both attitudes and considerations have constituted of significant relationship to the variables and voters, especially on how they respond to their duties as citizens and form a new realization after the election. Whatever their responses were, voters have, in some areas, experienced a positive relationship with age, education, occupation, and religious affiliation.


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