HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 2 (2024)

Digital Rhetoric in Media: Conceptual Metaphors in Chinese Editorial Stories

Liang Changchao | Song Zhenkui

Discipline: Journalism



This study examines the use and impact of conceptual metaphors in Chinese digital editorial narratives. It aims to identify predominant metaphor types and their role in enhancing the persuasive power of editorials. The study analyzes 50 stories from China Daily using content analysis to explore metaphorical language in context. Findings indicate a prevalent use of orientational, ontological, and structural metaphors. Orientational metaphors simplify complex ideas, while ontological metaphors, like object and personification, make abstract concepts tangible, boosting emotional appeal. Structural metaphors, particularly war and building metaphors, dramatize political narratives, intensifying the impact of the editorials. The study concludes that these metaphors significantly improve comprehension and emotional engagement, influencing reader perceptions and opinions. It highlights the importance of metaphor analysis in media discourse, suggesting its inclusion in journalism education and advocating for comparative metaphor studies in different cultural contexts.


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