HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 3 (2024)

Effects of the Implementation of an Interactive Students’ Notebook (ISN) on Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Atomic Structure and Motivation Towards Science

Jay Meng S Jusgado

Discipline: Education



This study investigated the impact of an interactive student's notebook on Grade 8 Junior high school chemistry students' conceptual understanding of atomic structure and motivation toward science. Using a mixed-method sequential explanatory approach, a quasi-experimental non-equivalent groups design was employed, with pretest and posttest assessments, interviews, and questionnaires. The experimental group (using interactive notebooks) showed significantly higher conceptual understanding gains compared to the control group. The interactive notebook intervention also positively affected students' motivation, particularly intrinsic and career motivation. The study provides compelling evidence that incorporating Interactive Student Notebooks positively influences students' conceptual understanding of atomic structure and their motivation toward science. The use of ISNs facilitates higher levels of conceptual understanding, as reflected in the increased percentage of students achieving Level 4 proficiency in interpreting atomic theory and accurately representing atomic models. Moreover, ISNs contribute to higher levels of motivation, particularly in terms of career motivation and intrinsic motivation.


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