HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 7 (2023)

Examining the Perceived Popularity of TikTok Among Gen-Z Learners

Joemar Diaz | Yhanna Mae Garlitos | Chadrick Arsenal | Jericho Asperilla | Rico Balandras | Ayen Gallardo | Karl Benedict Javier | Jhon Paul Maraño | Jhon Costan Vidar

Discipline: Education



TikTok is a media application with capabilities like creating short-form videos and sharing. From the Gen Z learners' perspective, TikTok could bring socialization, and they can share their everyday experiences, including their academic learning. It becomes a vital space for young individuals to express themselves and gain social bonds. This study determined the perception of the students on the perceived popularity of TikTok in terms of product positioning, content variety, and uniqueness. The researchers used descriptive quantitative analysis to interpret the data gathered from 266 senior high school students. To ascertain whether these three sub-variables significantly influenced the perception of TikTok's popularity, the researchers treated the data using the Pearson Correlation Coefficient. According to the study's findings, students concurred that Tiktok is popular because of its features, ability to be used for product promotion, and capacity to host entertaining and educational videos. Also, it revealed that the three study's sub- variables had a substantial influence on the increasing popularity of Tiktok. Thus, it could only be inferred that this application has grown in popularity among Generation Z, given that it serves various purposes for the younger generation.


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