HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 7 (2023)

Evaluating the Scientific Literacy Skills of Undergraduate Biology Students

Arantxa Loise Lu-ong

Discipline: Education



Scientific literacy skills are one of the vital components needed by 21st-century workers, particularly in STEM-related careers. So, this descriptive-comparative study evaluated the level of scientific literacy skills of undergraduate biology students by utilizing the Test of Scientific Literacy Skills (TOSLS) tool, a 28-item multiple choice exam. Based on the findings, students struggled to apply their knowledge of recognizing a sound scientific argument, comprehending the components of a research design, and how they affect scientific results and conclusions. Concurrently, the learners also had a moderate and high level of scientific literacy for the first and second TOSLS categories, respectively. And there was a significant difference in the TOSLS scores across areas of specialization. Therefore, teachers must implement learning activities that can fulfill the demands of 21st-century learning, such as student-centered learning, collaborative learning, and technology and computer-integrated learning, to increase students' critical thinking skills, a vital component of scientific literacy.


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