HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 10 (2023)

Assessment of Instructional Difficulties of Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health Teachers: Basis for Developing a Capability Program

Corimaigne Patriziah Dalmacio

Discipline: Education



This study determined the school instructional difficulties of the Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health Teachers. Specifically, this research assessed the teachers' perception towards the instructional challenges they encountered in terms of attainment of curriculum objectives, subject matter competencies, teaching styles; facilities, equipment, and materials; and supervision and administration. The difficulties that may be drawn from the result of the study would serve as a basis for developing a capability program. The researcher utilized mixed-method research to conduct the survey which was done by collecting, analyzing, and interpreting qualitative and quantitative data in a series of studies that investigate the same underlying phenomena. It was disseminated to 60 teachers among the six (6) public secondary schools in the district of Santa Maria. A descriptive design was used in this study. Results revealed that when talking about instructional difficulties of teachers, teachers should need to enhance more their skills and always keep abreast on the currents trends. Studies also show that they are required to be trained well and equipped them to deliver their lesson effectively and efficiently. Evaluating themselves and their students were also observable to the studies. A capability program was also created to further help the teachers in coping up with the difficulties they encountered. Finally, the implications drawn from the findings of the study may be utilized to improve the instructional problems of the music, arts, physical education, and health teachers further.


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