HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 10 (2023)

Correlation of Classroom Management Styles, Learning Motivation and Pupils’ Academic Achievement

Lordelyn Piquero

Discipline: Education



This study was conducted to determine the extent of teachers’ employed classroom management styles and its relation to their pupils’ learning motivation and academic performance. The descriptive-correlational research design which made use of a researcher’s made questionnaire, were employed to 60 grade 5 pupils by total enumeration to Monkayo Central Elementary School, Poblacion, Monkayo, Davao de Oro, Philippines. Mean and Pearson r were used as statistical tools for data analysis. It was found that pupils perceived their teachers employing authoritarian, authoritative, and indulgent classroom management style as High extent while permissive style as low extent. They had also a High Extent perception with their learning motivation in school. Pupils’ academic performance were rated as very satisfactory based on DO 8, s 2020. There is a significant relationship between indulgent and permissive classroom management style and pupils’ extent learning motivation. Only authoritative classroom management style was proven to have a significant relationship with pupils’ academic performance. Finally, there is no significant relationship between pupils’ extent of learning motivation and their academic performance.


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