HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 10 (2023)

Transformation of the Manguangan Tribe Identity: A Case Study

Lordelyn Piquero

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to discuss the describe the Manguangan tribe of Monkayo, Compostela Valley, in terms of their ethno- history, their transformation and the insights that they gained from their experiences as a distinct cultural group. This study was guided by Self-determination Theory (SDT) and Social-Cognitive Theory of Achievement in explaining how the tribe strived and transformed. This study used case study as an approach. It is a qualitative in design as researchers explored through real- life contemporary bounded system or multiple bounded systems over time, through detailed in-depth data collection. They were interviewed on the development and challenges encountered by the tribe. Manguangan tribe was very rich in tribal identity. Politically, the community was led by the Datu who imposed laws and protected its constituents. He was decided by the elders based on merits. Economically, subsistence farming was their main livelihood. There was a collective and communal economy where everything was shared including work labor for the community. Their culture was distinctive, especially their religious and belief system. Men were regarded as dominant to women, task were assigned on the basis of gender and there was a high respect for elders. The political implication of this study be the provision of additional programs that instead of endanger the culture of the tribe will protect them. Programs that will attract non-natives to come and experience the tribe’s culture instead of the tribe feeling inferior because they don’t seem their culture relevant to the mainstream community.


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