HomeLAMDAGvol. 12 no. 1 (2021)

Correlates of Teachers’ Readiness in Online Education and their Exposure to Learning Management System

Roger Pagente Jr.



Online education has been one of the proposed learning modality of the Department of Education in the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP). This study investigated the relationship between readiness of teachers’ in online education and their exposure to learning management system. Using a descriptive-correlational research design, two-hundred ninety-one (291) public school teachers were purposively selected to take part of the study. The study utilized the questionnaires on teachers’ readiness in online education and on their exposure to learning management system. Findings revealed that teachers are already approaching readiness in online education. Moreover, teachers are already proficient in their exposure to learning management system. Additionally, teachers’ age has significant difference in the technical and attitude of teachers in online education. Also, teachers’ gender has significant difference to all components of online education. While number of years as teacher has significant difference to teachers’ readiness in online education except for time management and time commitment. Furthermore, all aspect of teachers’ exposure to learning management system have significant difference to teachers’ readiness in online education. In addition, teachers’’ exposure to learning management system has significant relationship towards their readiness in online education. Moreover, teachers encountered difficulty in preparing for online education in the following: learners’ lack of access to technological devices and an internet connection, learners’ lack of digital competence, teachers’ lack of stable internet connection, teachers’ lack of skills in using technology, teachers’ heavy workload, and lack of parents’ support. In conclusion, teachers’ exposure to learning management system is a predictor of teachers’ readiness in online education. Hence, teachers need to be provided with adequate practice and exposure to learning management system.


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