HomeLAMDAGvol. 12 no. 1 (2021)

Personality Traits and Entrepreneurial Skills among Selected Entrepreneurs Amidst Challenges of the New Normal

Edison Rivera



Emerging challenges of the new normal created by the 2019 worldwide pandemic have greatly affected entrepreneurs, who continue to engage in their business despite the conditions. The study determines some of the reasons behind this engagement, as well as the relationship between personality traits and skills of purposely selected entrepreneurs. Through this descriptive-correlational research using purposive random sampling of 100 entrepreneurs who participated in the study, significant difference in the perception of the entrepreneurs’ personality traits and entrepreneurial skills were examined. Descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, T-test, and Pearson r moment correlation coefficient were the statistics used in the analysis of data. The findings and the results of the study reveal that there is no significant relationship between personality traits and entrepreneurial skills but there is a significant relationship found among three personality traits, namely: openness to experience, agreeableness and risk propensity and entrepreneurial skills. The results further reveal that there is a significant difference in the entrepreneurs’ perception of their personality traits when they grouped according to their demographics. Similarly, when it comes to the respondents’ entrepreneurial skills, there exists a significant difference in their perceptions when grouped according to their profile; except for highest educational attainment. This means that when the highest educational attainment of the selected entrepreneurs was factored in, their assessment and evaluation of their personality traits and entrepreneurial skills ceased to vary or differ significantly. Based on the findings and results of the study, it is highly recommended that entrepreneurs undergo training on self-awareness in terms of their personality traits and self-discovery and in terms of their entrepreneurial skills as they are presumed to result to entrepreneurial effectiveness with the premise that they develop a deeper understanding on what the enterprise means to them. To achieve entrepreneurial growth, attending management training is warranted.


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