HomeDangal Research Journalvol. 4 no. 1 (2023)

Policy Implementation of RA 9003 Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000: An Examination in Barangay Butong

Sarah C Vanguardia

Discipline: Social Sciences



This research scrutinized the implementation of Republic Act 9003 by the barangay o?cials of Butong, Cabuyao City. Utilizing a descriptive design, the study explored both quantitative and qualitative aspects.The assessment checklist, derived from the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of RA 9003, highlighted signi?cant gaps in three areas:waste segregation and collection, MRF establishment, and annual budget allocation. Despite available barangay ordinances, there was a lack of ?nes for non-compliance. While an operational MRF existed near Butong’s covered court, waste segregation was limited to residents near the main road, and the disposal of recyclable materials relied on nearby junk shops.Although a composting facility was present, it did not generate su?cient income. Moreover, budget allocations for natural resource management and environmental services (Php540,000.00 in 2020, Php300,000.00 in 2021, and Php850,000.00 in 2021) allocated only 7 to 10 percent to the MRF.The assessment and root cause analysis identi?ed key factors in?uencing Barangay Butong’s SWM policy success or failure, including community engagement, education, infrastructure, policy frameworks, capacity building, ?nances, and monitoring. Recommendations included integrating these factors into future SWM policy formulation and implementation.


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