HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 16 no. 1 (2023)

Employee Satisfaction in Midsayap's Banking Industry: Deciphering the Impact of Organizational Atmosphere and Internal Factors

Micah Mae Cachopero | Precious Angelene Abatayo | Ystela Mari Diolaso | Romelyn Marcelo | Veah Sarimbangon | Ellen Crista Villaries | Cristine Remot

Discipline: Marketing



The purpose of this study is to determine the significant relationship between environmental factors and job satisfaction, as well as the significant influence of environmental factors and job satisfaction. The study was focused and limited only to the bank personnel in Midsayap because it is the only established municipality in the PPALMA area of North Cotabato. Therefore, the responses of all the selected respondents may limit the generalizability of the findings to the general population of the banking sectors in the locality. This study deals with two variables, namely the environmental factors as independent variables, which consist of relationship with supervisor, relationship with co-workers, job security, human resource policy, and health as indicators, and job satisfaction as the dependent variables having indicators of salary, environmental policy, job security, work environment, and supervision. Moreover, the study made use of a purposive sampling technique and descriptivecorrelational research design. It also sought to establish the influence and the relationship of environmental factors and job satisfaction in terms of its indicators. According to the findings of the study, the majority of bank personnel in Midsayap are females aged 30 and below with less than five years of work experience. The study findings revealed that the respondents are satisfied with their working environment, an environment that fosters a healthy working relationship, which is critical in maintaining positive interactions between the organization, its employees, and its clients. In conclusion, the research underscores the crucial impact of environmental factors on shaping the job satisfaction of bank personnel in Midsayap, emphasizing the importance for organizations to prioritize conducive work environments to enhance employee satisfaction and bolster overall productivity. Future researchers are encouraged to use a number of indicators to investigate the relationship between environmental factors and employee job satisfaction, thereby establishing the existence of the phenomenon and laying the groundwork for effective problem-solving strategies. Furthermore, future studies focusing on key environmental contributors could provide insights to help management achieve organizational goals. Using different measuring tools in future research endeavors can help to improve understanding of factors influencing employee job satisfaction.


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