HomeManagement Reviewvol. 6 no. 1 (2020)

The Effects of Job Stress on Turnover Intention of Public Hospital Nurses in Metro Manila

Erika Marie Hautea

Discipline: Human Resources Management



The pool of nurses in the Philippines continues to steadily decrease. Lack of nurses creates understaffing problems in hospitals and results in a heavier workload. These and other working conditions faced by nurses show the amount of stress they face daily. This creates job stress resulting in turnover intentions. However, recently published literature shows that a person’s job satisfaction can mediate this relationship. Hence, this study focused on explaining the effect of job stress on turnover intention of public hospital nurses as mediated by job satisfaction. The study focused on public hospital nurses employed in Level 3 public hospitals in Metro Manila. Descriptive Statistics, Correlation Matrix, Linear and Multiple Linear Regression, and Path Analysis were conducted. The quantitative data was further substantiated through related literature and interviews. The results of the study showed that nurses have a slight level of job stress, a moderate level of job satisfaction, and a slight level of turnover intention. Moreover, job stress had a positive effect on turnover intention (direct effect). Additionally, job stress had a positive effect on turnover intention as mediated by job satisfaction (indirect effect). The findings show that turnover intention can be reduced by: 1.) directly lessening job stress and 2.) decreasing job stress by increasing job satisfaction. Lastly, recommendations were given to hospital management, future researchers, the academe, and the government



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