HomeManagement Reviewvol. 6 no. 1 (2020)

The Effects of Workplace Bullying on Workplace Engagement in Selected Business Process Outsourcing Companies

Katrina Fano

Discipline: Human Resources Management



Workplace bullying is one of the business challenges that companies neglect to prioritize as evidently shown by the absence of formal anti-bullying policies in the workplace. Workplace bullying could affect the level of employee’s work engagement, which companies may fail to recognize if it continues to be neglected. This study aims to understand workplace bullying and its effects on work engagement in selected Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) companies. Participants in this study were 400 employees from BPOs. Responses were carefully and statistically analyzed and validated through structured interviews to 12 BPO employees. Pearson R Correlation was used to measure and validate the relationship of each dimension of workplace bullying and work engagement. Results revealed that there is a negative correlation between the dimension of workplace bullying and work engagement. Survey showed that the respondents experienced work-related and person-related bullying every now and then or two to three (2-3) times in six (6) months, while never experienced physically intimidating bullying. Consequently, respondents felt engaged in the work only few times a month.


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