HomeManagement Reviewvol. 4 no. 1 (2018)

Factors Contributing to Selected Private Universities as the Brand of Choice among Currently Enrolled Students

Angelo Niel A. Victorino

Discipline: Marketing



Higher education institutions possess unique characteristics that may influence students’ decision in choosing a college. Students may choose to enroll in a specific college because of their parents, peers, high school teachers, or guidance counselors; school reputation, quality of education, or the variety of programs offered; and because of the perceived effectiveness of certain communication efforts. These assumptions prove that the process of college selection is still unclear, and that there is a need to identify what exactly students consider in shortlisting colleges or universities. This study focuses on understanding the Consumer attributes, Brand Image attributes, and Brand Awareness attributes that determine the brand equity of selected private universities as perceived by the students enrolled in the universities. Specifically, this research aims to determine which Consumer attributes, Brand Image attributes, and Brand Awareness attributes, incorporated by three different universities in Metro Manila, contribute the most to students’ college choice. The researcher used descriptive statistics including the mean to determine the quantitative average of the responses to the items in the given questionnaire and the standard deviation to quantify the variation of the responses to the questionnaire items. The findings of this study are highly beneficial to the executives, administrators, and professors of the selected universities as these will allow them to understand how students ultimately arrive at a decision in choosing a university, and to identify what institutional factors are reflected with superior value during the selection process.


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