HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 6 (2024)

Principals’ Leadership Practices in Encouraging Parental Involvement in School Activities: Basis for a Proposed Shared Management Framework

Ernesto L Español Jr.

Discipline: management studies



This research focuses on principals' leadership strategies in fostering parental involvement in school events, which will serve as the foundation for a shared management framework that will be developed. In this context, the researcher will apply Bourdieu's theory of social practice to discover the objective circumstances of the field where parental engagement is generated and experienced, both now and in the future. The study will then look at how different types of home-school ties grow by examining the leadership behaviors and capital deployment of the principals. The researcher collected quantitative data using a descriptive method to determine the principals’ leadership practices in encouraging parental involvement in school activities. The descriptive design is an acceptable strategy for gathering trustworthy and accurate data through survey measurement of two or more variables to determine or estimate the extent to which the variables' values are related or vary in an identifiable pattern. As a sampling design, the researcher utilized a purposive sampling strategy. The questionnaire is a researcher-modified tool based on Epstein's Theoretical Model (2016) and Burns' Transformational Leadership Theory (1978). The first section establishes the profile of parents and principal respondents in terms of age, sex, and highest educational attainment. It was revealed that there was no significant relationship between principals' leadership practices according to the findings. However, a strong association was discovered between principals' leadership practices in terms of intellectual stimulation and parental involvement in school events regarding children's mental and physical health.


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