HomeAsian Journal of Resiliencevol. 5 no. 1 (2023)

Understanding the lived experiences of Filipino male victims of domestic violence

Diana Jane D. Badua-Oquendo | Bethany Claire A. Beronio | Fretz Akiko B. Ferolino | Riemuel Dave Z. Rocaberte

Discipline: others in psychology



The public's understanding of domestic violence has considerably increased over time. Discussion on this social issue tends to focus on the experiences of women victims, particularly in patriarchal societies. For instance, in the Philippines, there is still little research on the experiences of male victims of domestic violence. This present study, conducted in the province of Palawan, Philippines, explored the lived experiences of five (5) male victims of domestic violence. It sought to explore their struggles, coping strategies, and disclosure through phenomenological inquiry. Thematic analysis of the participants’ narratives revealed that their experiences involved more emotional (negative self-image, gaslighting, feelings of betrayal, and feelings of abandonment) and social abuse (social discomfort and coercive control) rather than physical violence (physical aggression). Participants also reported experiencing psychological abuse, which eventually led to self-destructive thoughts. They identified various forms of problem-focused coping (spiritual belief, optimism, family, responsibility, and seeking advice) and emotionfocused coping (disregard and avoidance, temperance, indifference, an egotistical attitude, and alcohol and leisure). It helped them deal with the struggles they identified. Confidentiality issues, shame and embarrassment, and financial constraints were the primary barriers to help-seeking. Meanwhile, the disclosure was driven by the desire for reconciliation, establishing evidence, and alleviating emotional burdens. The lived experiences of male victims gave a more comprehensive array of meaning to the concept of domestic violence, providing insights that promote inclusivity to the welfare of male victims.


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