Open Access Subscription Access
Buot, Eleanor Y. | Requilman, Virgie L.
Discipline: others in psychology
Insigne, Josie Z. | Visande, Sarah Kaye C.
Badua-Oquendo, Diana Jane D. | Beronio, Bethany Claire A. | Ferolino, Fretz Akiko B. | Rocaberte, Riemuel Dave Z.
Nuestro, Maricel G.
Article List (w/ others in psychology Discipline)
Open Access Subscription Access
Attitude and behavior of recovering drug dependents
Buot, Eleanor Y. | Requilman, Virgie L.
Discipline: others in psychology
Correlates of career decision self-efficacy and parental support among Grade 10 students
Insigne, Josie Z. | Visande, Sarah Kaye C.
Discipline: others in psychology
Understanding the lived experiences of Filipino male victims of domestic violence
Badua-Oquendo, Diana Jane D. | Beronio, Bethany Claire A. | Ferolino, Fretz Akiko B. | Rocaberte, Riemuel Dave Z.
Discipline: others in psychology
Social and Academic Transition in Relation to the Departure Intention Of First-Year Students of Trece Martires City College
Nuestro, Maricel G.
Discipline: others in psychology