HomeiCONNECT Multidisciplinary Research Journalvol. 2 no. 1 (2025)

Strategic Incompetence: A Phenomenological Study On The Handling Of Groups From Female Student Leaders

Ada Therese Arbis | Paola Katherina Gonzales

Discipline: others in psychology



This study aims to explore the phenomenon of strategic incompetence from the perspective of female student leaders and how their experiences shaped their perspectives on their fellow group mates, who they perceived to display strategic incompetence. The study focuses on FSLs’ (female student leaders) understanding of strategic incompetence displayed by their group members and how they would tackle the presence of such a phenomenon in their group. The researcher found a total of 9 main themes based on the experiences of the female student leaders, namely cause and effect, fulfilling a role, rectification of work, unprofessionalism, difficulty in utilizing human resources, leader strategy, over-accommodation, compromisation, and lastly, a confrontational approach. Additionally, these themes can add to the growing understanding of said phenomenon and how to further approach others with such a phenomenon present within a group.


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