HomeiCONNECT Multidisciplinary Research Journalvol. 2 no. 1 (2025)

Emotional Labor And Customer Incivility: Experiences Of Women Agents In Customer Service

Mary Andrea Dayao | Paola Katherina Gonzales

Discipline: others in psychology



The significance of emotional labor in the Philippines' service-oriented industries emphasizes its role in building customer relationships. Specifically, it focuses on the call center industry and the vulnerability of customer service women to incivility, which encompasses behaviors like shouting, disrespect, foul language, and personal attacks from customers. The study aims to describe the experiences of women agents who face incivility over the phone, leading to detrimental health effects caused by stress. The findings highlight the emotional investment required for customer service employees to handle customers professionally. Additionally, customer service women must adapt quickly to handle various customer personalities and manage the emotional and mental toll of dealing with rude customers. This research underscores the importance of recognizing and addressing the impact of customer incivility on the health of customer service women, emphasizing the need to prioritize their well-being.


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