HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 8 (2024)

Product Development and Market Acceptability of Lemon Grass Bottled Tea (Cymbopogon citratus)

Jade Mark C. Salubre | Jennifer T. Pelegrino | Juma P. Wabinga | Juanita C. Leopoldo

Discipline: Marketing



Lemongrass grows abundantly in Compostela, Davao de Oro, thriving with proper drainage and adequate sunlight. Traditionally used as an herbal tea, its pale light-yellow color may not be appealing, locally produced packaging is unavailable, and its commercialization in the province of Davao de Oro is limited. This study aimed to increase the market competitiveness of lemongrass bottled tea by adding calamansi and honey flavors from locally available agricultural produce and packaging them in polyethylene plastic bottles. The research determined the most acceptable honey and calamansi-flavored lemongrass bottled tea in terms of (a) sensory qualities and (b) formulation or percentage of honey and calamansi. Sensory evaluation involving two hundred consumer-type panelists assessed the sensory qualities and acceptability of the lemongrass bottled tea formulations. Modes and means were used to interpret the results of the sensory evaluation. ANOVA with repeated measures determined if significant differences existed among samples. The most acceptable product formulation was compared with similar products currently offered in the marketplace. Results showed no significant difference with similar products and revealed the potential marketability of honey and calamansi-flavored lemongrass bottled tea.


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