HomeInternational Journal of Academic and Practical Researchvol. 3 no. 1 (2024)

Assessing Creative Thinking, Decision Making, and Problem-Solving Skills of First Year Sciences Education Students in a Collaborative Learning Environment: A Descriptive Correlation Study

Cristy Wyin L. Montecalvo | Ivy B. Jamlan | Arman P. Nuezca

Discipline: Education



This descriptive correlation study aimed to assess the relationship between students’ creative thinking and decision-making and their perceived problem- solving skills in a collaborative learning environment. It involved 85 First Year Sciences Education students from Central Mindanao University, who completedstructured survey questionnaires. The results revealed that students' creative thinking is high, while decision-making coping patterns are moderately practiced. In problem-solving skills, students showed "Often Practiced" confidence and a tendency to approach problems rather than avoid them. However, personal control over problems in the collaborative learning environment was moderately high. The Pearson correlation coefficient indicated no significant relationship between creative thinking and problem-solving skills but showed a weak and positively significant relationship between decision-making and perceived problem-solving skills. Understanding these skills' contributions to student success and their impact on real-world problem-solving scenarios is significant. To foster these skills, educators are recommended to use strategies like inquiry- based and open-ended learning to enhance students' creative thinking, decision- making, and problem-solving abilities.


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