HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 10 (2024)

Work-life Balance, Self-Determination, and Psychological Well-being Among Police Personnel

Hernan M. Papagayo

Discipline: social sciences (non-specific)



Police personnel confronted a variety of challenges. This influenced their psychological well-being, which is crucial in their sound decision-making and judgment while fulfilling their duties. Aside from that, their imbalanced personal and professional lives, as well as compromised self-determination, also contributed to their psychological well-being negatively. This study sought to determine work-life balance, self-determination, and psychological well-being among police personnel in the Manila police district. The descriptive-correlational research design was used in the study, which involved stratified random sampling and g-power to 2,520 personnel designated as station commanders, patrol officers, investigators, and administrative staff, including males and females, to obtain 210 personnel who participated. The main data source for this study was a modified and validated questionnaire. Pearson product correlation coefficient was used to determine the significant relationship between the level of work-life balance to psychological well-being and self-determination to psychological well-being. Four- and six-point Likert scale, mean with interpretation, and linear regression analysis were used to obtain the study's findings. The findings showed that the level of work-life balance in stress management, self-management, and time management was high, and change management was very high. In contrast, the level of self-determination in terms of autonomy was high, including competence and relatedness, was very high. Lastly, the level of psychological well-being in self-acceptance, positive relations with others, environmental mastery, and personal growth was very high. In contrast, purpose in life and autonomy were high. There is a significant relationship between worklife balance, psychological well-being, self-determination, and psychological well-being among uniformed personnel in the Manila police district. Meanwhile, the impact of work-life balance on psychological wellbeing and self-determination to psychological well-being was significant. This study emphasized the need for an enhancement plan for PNP MC 2021-115: PNP Mental Health program “Bantay Kaisipan.”


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