HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 10 (2024)

Out-of-Field Teachers’ Professional Resilience: A Grounded Study

John Mark N. Saldivar

Discipline: Education



This qualitative inquiry aimed to determine the coping strategies and bridge the lack of comprehensive understanding of the processes and factors contributing to out-of-field teachers' professional resilience. The in-depth interviews of the 12 participants generated emergent themes and central categories that revealed the OFT's coping strategies. The theory developed from the extensive data collected and examined showed the profound perception of how out-of-field teachers succeed in the teaching profession. A targeted professional development program for out-of-field teachers focusing on content and pedagogical strategies can be designed using the theory generated as a foundation. Through this research, other researchers may explore the development and implementation of targeted professional development programs and support systems that specifically address the unique challenges faced by out-of-field teachers and investigate the long-term impact of resilience-building strategies on teachers’ teaching effectiveness and career satisfaction. By providing teachers with the necessary tools to effectively teach the subject, these specially tailored programs aid in closing the knowledge gap and help OFTs thrive in this noble profession.


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