HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 10 (2024)

Metacognitive Awareness and Research Skills Among Senior High School Students

Jovellano V. Ontog

Discipline: Education



The Senior high school curriculum adepts research as a vital part of 21st-century skills, knowing that it is highly regarded as part of completing the chosen track. The metacognition of students might influence the research process and vice versa. Thus, this study aimed to identify the level of metacognitive awareness and research skills and the degree of relationship between these two variables. The study used a simple random technique with a proportional allocation method to have two hundred one (201) grade 12 STEM students from four clusters of senior high schools. The metacognitive awareness was measured using a 52-item adopted research instrument, and research skills were measured using a 38-item adopted research skills instrument. The data-gathering instruments were subjected to face and content validation by a panel of experts and reliability testing. The correlational research design was employed, and the statistical tools used in descriptive data analyses were average mean and composite mean. The Pearson r was used as an inferential statistical tool to determine the significant relationships among the levels of the variables of the study. Inferential tests were set at a 5% alpha level of significance. The study revealed a high level of metacognitive awareness and a high level of research skills among the respondents, and there is a strong positive significant relationship between the study variables.


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