HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 10 (2024)

The Lived Experiences of Alternative Learning System Teachers in English Literacy Instruction

Jonathan P. Francisco | Crisanta C. Buri

Discipline: Education



This study explores the challenges that Alternative Learning System (ALS) teachers face in English literacy instruction and the coping strategies they employ to overcome these hurdles. Given the crucial role of English literacy, this study aims to delve into the lived experiences of ALS teachers, who are pivotal in the knowledge transfer process. Employing a phenomenological approach within qualitative research, the study draws on in-depth, in-person interviews with five ALS teachers to gather rich, experiential data. The thematic analysis of the interview transcripts reveals that ALS teachers' roles encompass physical demands, mental fortitude, emotional investment, and social engagement. The themes that emerge as challenges in teaching the Communication Skills strand in English include high demands on teachers' resilience, diversity of students, limited instructional materials, limited instructional time, and negative public perception of teachers' roles and the program. Despite these challenges, ALS teachers develop coping strategies, including cultivating resilience to manage the demands of teaching the strand and maintaining a positive outlook. This study concludes that while ALS teachers face significant obstacles in managing the learning strand, their effective use of specific coping strategies ensures that each learner receives appropriately leveled instruction. Based on the findings, the researcher proposes a training program that can improve ALS teachers' pedagogical approaches to enhance further their capabilities in making a difference in the field of education through ALS and, most importantly, in the lives of their learners.


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