HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovationvol. 2 no. 3 (2024)

The English Language Needs of Public Administration Undergraduate Students Focusing on Reading Skills

Kristine Mae M. Sodoy | Jody M. Apostol | Jonelson C. Escandallo

Discipline: Education



The study investigated the need for reading skills among undergraduate students in Public Administration at Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences, and Technology. Specifically, it aimed to assess the importance of acquiring reading skills within their specialization and identify the academic difficulties learners encountered. A survey questionnaire was employed in the data acquisition phase tool. The subject of the study was one hundred fifty (150) undergraduate students enrolled in the A.Y. 2024-2025 first semester. The study applied TSA (Target Situation Analysis), PSA (Present Situation Analysis), and LSA (Language Situation Analysis) to gather data through a survey questionnaire. According to the findings, most of the program's participants had trouble grasping the main concepts of English-written subjects and having trouble quickly scanning such texts for the essential information. It is suggested that the findings could be used to design an English language course titled “English for Public Administration” crafted to tackle the specific reading needs of these students and enhance their proficiency in English for their field of specialization.


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