HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovationvol. 2 no. 3 (2024)

The English Language Needs of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration – Marketing Management Second-year Students Focusing on Reading Skills

Jonelson C. Escandallo | Bernadeth S. Balsomo | Wendelyn C. Buro | Lysa D. Loayon

Discipline: Education



The research delved into the reading requirements of undergraduate students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration majoring in Marketing Management at Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology. It aimed to uncover the challenges faced by these students when reading materials for the BSBA- Marketing Management program. The data was collected via a survey questionnaire. This study attempted to find out the most important reading skills that BSBA-Marketing Management undergraduates need for their academic work. Findings suggest that a new course titled “English for Business Administration: Reading Strategies,” designed specifically to meet the needs of these students and improve their English reading skills in the field, could be developed. By introducing such a course, it is possible for the institution to improve its students’ academic achievement in a remarkable way.


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